
  • Loot tables have been adjusted for Shame.
  • Loot tables have been adjusted for Destard.
  • Young players will no longer trigger mobile collision.
  • There is now a 1 second cooldown between mobile collisions.

Server will be back in about 15 minutes after updates. Thanks!

  • Added an /exhausted command to show currently capped skills.
  • Fixed an issue with Magic Trap spell endlessly triggering on containers despite removing the trap with the Remove Trap spell.
  • Runebook will now remain open until a Charge is consumed via the Use Charge ability.
  • Wisps have had their spell casting fixed and their Gold drops reduced to intended levels.
  • Slightly increased Taunt range from 6 to 7 for Tanks.
  • Adjusted Camping gains and the 75+ Camping regen bonus.

Thanks for your patience during the downtime, we have received word that the issue is now resolved and we are now bringing our services back online including the game server. See you in-game and thanks again for your support

Update your bookmarks! The news feed has been migrated from the old to and the in-game feed and Discord bot now reflect the new feed.

We are extremely pleased to welcome a new member to our team. Congratulations beekel!

beekel will be joining us as a Counselor, and behind the scenes, has already contributed greatly to our project in terms of the wiki, the related wiki bot and of course the interactive map.

He is also contributing in the form of custom music, which we hope to have in game very soon!

Please make him feel welcome.

  • The minimum success chance of using a runebook charge has been returned to 50% (intended value.)

All town vendors have been made invulnerable for the time being while we work on updating their AI to be in line with Britannia-era combat mechanics and as such, they will be unavailable for snooping or thievery while invulnerable. Thanks for your patience while we continue to work on things

  • Fixed an issue causing guards to be unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue causing murderer to be unable to leave dungeons.
  • Fixed an issue causing recent tames to retain heal over time effects.
  • Fix an issue that would cause a rare crash condition.

Sounds from applying bandages as well as sounds from instruments will now only play to yourself while inside of town.

We are doing a restart for some updates. We'll be back shortly.

The transition to Britannia is almost complete! Britannia has been live since June 20th, 2021 and the new world is thriving!

There are still some of you who have not made the transfer yet. Don't worry, you still have some time. Celador will remain online until August 1, 2021, we will share a more definite timeframe as we get closer.

In the meantime, please make sure you transfer any remaining characters to Britannia. After Celador shuts down, any remaining characters, houses, and items in the world will not be accessible.

Through the transition process, we have found an extreme amount of abandoned characters and accounts that people have not logged into for years. This presents an opportunity for us to clean up the bloat and increase performance by eliminating stale characters and items.

We've made the difficult decision to proceed with the Celador shutdown and purging old characters, to de-bloat the character database.

We understand that some people may not have had a chance to come back to LOU, so please make sure you tell your friends and family that had previously played but have not come back yet.

Thanks for your support and patience, we appreciate you!

It's finally time! Here is some more supporting information on what to expect:

See you in game!

Patch notes for Test Center are being kept track of here:

Our website has had a facelift and we've also added new Forums to help with organizing communications. You're all welcome to join and begin discussing on the forums if you wish. Website: - Forums:

The wiki is currently being updated to a new platform and will be available soon, as such the legacy wiki is currently in Maintenance Mode. New contributions to the legacy wiki may not survive the migration, so please avoid making changes at this time. Thank you!

We are moving things around briefly, and the website that serves custom assets is temporarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This evening's maintenance window will be approx. 30 minutes instead of the usual 15. Thanks as always for your patience.

What are you doing reading this? Go play!

As promised, here is our transition plan. Please do read it in its entirety. There's a lot to take in, and hopefully we've provided enough detail for you to both plan the transition, and understand why we are going down the path that we are. We look forward to seeing you in the real Britannia!

Thank you all so much for joining us on stream this evening. It was great to see over 70 of you turn out to listen to us tell jokes about Cove.

The launch is imminent! Mark June 20 in your diaries. We will also have the detailed transition plan in your hands within 24 hours, and Test Center will open to the public shortly after that.

Thanks again to all of our players, new and old. We couldn't have done it without you.