Patch Notes List

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19th Oct 2020 archive patchnote

  • Scissors auto-salvaging contents of a container will now skip cutting cloth to bandages
    - Wooden club and black staff can now be salvaged for wood
    - Target closest enemy command (/targ enemy) will now avoid selecting same group/guild players and their pets
    - An issue with Runebooks sometimes causing runes to be duplicated has been resolved
    - An issue with town vendors guard-whacking themselves has been resolved
    - An issue with Magic Lock state not being removed from containers that have been unlocked/picked has been resolved, pre-existing containers will have this cleared the next time it is unlocked/picked
    - An issue with players not being able to defend against pets in PVP without triggering criminal action has been resolved
    - An issue with Recall sometimes fizzling repeatedly after cancelling a scroll-cast has been resolved

16th Oct 2020 archive patchnote

General fixes and changes:
- An issue with gravedigging monsters sometimes becoming frozen and defenseless has been optimized, let us know if it continues
- Mounts will now have invisibility broken when being mounted
- You can no longer use the mount command to mount an invisible pet
- You can no longer use objects inside of locked containers, including attempting to equip objects or use/count/stack resources from locked containers
- Lockboxes are now lockpickable
- Locked containers can now be locked down, previously would say "cannot lockdown locked containers"
- Town vendors will now properly round their inventory numbers while restocking to prevent decimals, and rounding has been added to the "Set" input in the Sell window

Door Improvements:
- An issue with monsters being thrown outside the dungeon walls when a door closes has been resolved, mobs should now be moved appropriately in front of the door if they manage to get stuck in the doorway
- Doors will no longer close while a live being is obstructing the doorway, up to a limit, if the door has auto-close it will force-close after 2 minutes
- Door obstruction checks are currently only setup for dungeon doors, as this is where we have the most problem, this functionality will eventually be normal behavior for every door in LOU

14th Oct 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue causing Gravedigging to sometimes produce nothing while consuming a charge has been resolved
    - Gravedigging now has a chance to produce pumpkins that can be carved into jack o lanterns

9th Oct 2020 archive patchnote

  • In the spirit of Halloween, Gravedigging has been introduced & Forensic Evaluation re-written. A time will be scheduled and announced sometime today/this weekend to publish this to the live server.

    - Requires 80 Mining and 80 Forensic Evaluation to begin using
    - Must purchase a Gravediggers Pickaxe or Shovel from the Gravedigger merchant
    - Use gravediggers shovel or pickaxe at a gravesite, look for headstones being used to mark individual graves
    - Gravediggers tools have a limited number of charges, 50 to start, and a charge will be consumed with each successful dig
    - Gravediggers tools are both equippable for max fun, and a "Use RH" button appears with both of them equipped to easily press Q to start digging
    - Chances to obtain new rewards introduced in the form of titles, pet mounts and collectibles (what could they be?!?)
    - A few Halloween rares also have a chance to be obtained from now until 11/05, these are different than the Halloween Paragon drops

    - Forensic Evaluation changes:
    - Can be trained to 50 by the Gravedigger merchant
    - The skill can now be used to evaluate containers, live beings, and corpses
    - Already-picked containers can be inspected to reveal who has tampered with the lock
    - Player corpses can be inspected to see who murdered them, as well as if or who has disturbed the corpse, and lastly also revealing who/if someone else already inspected the corpse
    - Players can be inspected to reveal what NPC guild they are a member of, most importantly the Thieves Guild

    - Related general changes:
    - Q & E buttons will now be hidden if they do not have an ability assigned, as opposed to always showing a blank hotbar button(s)
    - The Q button will now show "Use RH" when you equip an object that doesn't have an ability, use this to double-click the object equipped in your right hand
    - Merchants that train skills will now have a context menu option (right-click menu) for each skill they train to simplify the skill training process

6th Oct 2020 archive patchnote

That old annoying bug that causes your weight to be doubled sometimes when moving items around has been resolved.

16th Aug 2020 archive patchnote

  • You can no longer use the Incognito spell while Polymorphed

15th Aug 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue has been resolved allowing players to add more weight than a pack animal can hold
    - An issue has been resolved with being able to lock a container with a matching key nested inside of itself
    - An issue has been resolved with not being able to use auto-stacking with locked down containers
    - You can no longer open a locked container even if you have the key to open it, you must unlock the container first
    - You can no longer open a locked container using Telekinesis
    - Container windows will now automatically close when you lock the container
    - You can no longer perform auto-stacking or resource stacking to containers that are inside of a locked container
    - All containers inside of a container that is being locked will now automatically have their resource stacking options cleared

9th Aug 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue has been resolved that causes banned player vendors to automatically be moved back to the plot and decay removed on server restart
    - Player vendor state 'On Strike' renamed to 'Decaying'

21st Jul 2020 archive patchnote

Live has been updated to include a change from Britannia which causes mount stamina to not drain during a PvP timer.

8th Jul 2020 archive patchnote

An issue preventing guildmasters from seeing the Guildmaster Title option from the Guild Menu has been resolved

15th Jun 2020 archive patchnote

  • Water Pitcher has been moved under Tools for the Tinkering skill.
    - Fixed a known durability bug with Water Pitcher.

10th Jun 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue has been resolved with being unable to beg the town vendors
    - An issue has been resolved with double-clicking a forge and targeting a container not starting the auto-salvage process
    - Only items inside of the container at the time that auto-salvage was initiated will be processed, avoiding any items added to the container after starting auto-salvage; This should resolve issues related to items being created in/moved into the container during salvaging causing some items to be salvaged even though they are not salvageable.

7th Jun 2020 archive patchnote

An issue has been resolved that was causing players to become frozen after changing the shape of their body using Polymorph spell and disguise kits and the spell and disguise kits have been re-enabled now.

7th Jun 2020 archive patchnote

An issue has been resolved with plot lockdowns causing items being released from a plot to not be removed from the Lockdown List. This affected things like plot re-sizing, as well as the number of lockdowns being reported incorrectly.

2nd Jun 2020 archive patchnote

Existing pet deeds were originally scheduled to expire on 1/1/2020 but as you know we had delayed that to give people more time to claim them. Existing deeds will now expire on 6/15/2020 and existing deeds will be removed from the world at that time.

22nd May 2020 archive patchnote

Several performance and server stability fixes from Britannia have been applied to the live server.
- Fixed long standing server crash (Also affectionately known as poison bug to some)
- Improved performance of housing.
- Fixed a long standing bug that was causing greatly increased skill gains for the majority of skills. This is a return to originally intended values and not a balancing adjustment.

22nd May 2020 archive patchnote

  • After suffering countless defeats over the last few months, Fangorn has recruited more capable Generals.
    - Fangorn will now not chase his enemies indefinitely

28th Apr 2020 archive patchnote

  • The Group window has been optimized and should work more reliably now
    - "Group" option added to menu when right-clicking self while in a group, opens the Group window
    - Fixed an issue with Miasmas not stacking in some cases
    - Fixed issue with Kryss not being detected as bladed weapon for Skinning purposes
    - Fixed cooked meat & cheese from Create Food being inedible
    - Fixed issue with player's real name showing when Snooping instead of the disguised name
    - Fixed issue with Whisper Window showing your name as the person who sent the whisper to you
    - Fixed an issue with removing a saddle from a horse causing two deeds to be created
    - Fixed an issue with some players becoming stuck and unable to log in after logging out while their character was a Ghost
    - Corrected tooltip for lockpicks from showing the tooltip for scissors
    - Fixed an issue with Ethereal Bear not being mountable
    - Temporarily disabled Gender Selection in the Polymorph spell and Disguise Kits to prevent a client-bug causing players to become frozen after changing their body shape
    - Fixed an issue with Notoriety becoming stuck sometimes when criminal

6th Apr 2020 archive patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to add fish to gardening plants as fertilizer
    - Fixed an issue with the Gardening button from the skill window not detecting shovel in backpack properly
    - Fixed an issue with ore attempting to smelt erroneously when using Split Stack or other options
    - Optimized the skill window "Set Cap" button to make it more noticeable
    - Resolved an issue with numbers not being rounding when using the Skill Cap slider in the skill window

12th Mar 2020 archive patchnote

  • Fixed mage vendors not having Moss ingredient for sale
    - Fixed mage vendors selling improper staff, corrected to sell gnarled staff
    - Increased range for stable master speech commands
    - Fixed issue with not being able to steal blindly from pets
    - Fixed an issue with speech commands "i wish to release this" and "i wish to place a trash barrel"

6th Mar 2020 archive patchnote

  • Fixed an issue where self-healing pets do not heal themselves
    - Fixed an issue where vendors would forever say "I cannot afford to buy anything else" when trying to sell them goods
    - Increased the budget of Jeweler vendors by 2x
    - Added a pet deed handler at the Britain stables to uncache pets
    - Fixed an issue where pets would try to cast and gain skills in cases where the target is no longer a valid target (too far away, not visible, etc)

5th Mar 2020 archive patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with Ethereals vendor not adding items to bill of sale
    - Fixed an issue with skills gaining on Summoned creatures, they are not meant to gain skills
    - Fixed an issue with recently released aggressive pets causing previous owner to receive criminal action when the released pet attacks another being
    - Fixed an issue with recently released aggressive pets not fully engaging in combat again
    - Reset Meditation to 0 on pets, pets don't need or use Meditation skill and it was a mistake that they were training it which caused some pets to reach the skill cap of 700

4th Mar 2020 archive patchnote

  • Fixed training dummy skill gains not working
    - Fixed murders not being able to be reported
    - Fixed Clothing Bless Deed not working for some items (there may be other clothes that need added, please let us know)
    - Fixed an issue with pets gaining skills they did not naturally have, like meditation
    - Fixed Tracking window only showing part of an NPC's name, should now show full name

3rd Mar 2020 archive patchnote

  • The minimum amount of reagents offered by town vendors has been increased by 4x
    - Pets that cast, will begin casting beneficial spells while attacking again
    - Pets that cast, from the same owner, will now cast magic when attacking each other in order to assist with training their magic skills
    - An issue with the In-Combat PVP flag being triggered when attacking one's own pets or in other cases when it should not trigger has been resolved
    - An issue with the shovel and scythe not working with gardening related actions has been resolved
    - Lockpicking wiki updated to reflect that skill level requirements were corrected from levels 44 to 45, 74 to 75 and 94 to 95

3rd Mar 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue with some pets being weaker than usual should be resolved
    - An issue with Blacksmith vendors not buying chainmail and some other items has been resolved
    - Mobile Collision-ish removed
    - If you see any vendors not buying/selling something as expected please let us know the specifics of the vendor and the missing items

2nd Mar 2020 archive patchnote

Hello everyone, we have finished applying the following patch to the main server: - Thanks for your patience!

12th Feb 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue with lockpicks not working that are sold by the Nujelm Treasure Hunting vendor has been resolved

2nd Feb 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue with any player being able to open an unlocked door on plot causing it to refresh regardless of permission has been resolved
    - An issue with Faction stones not activating properly has been resolved

1st Feb 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue with the F button not toggling the Friends window has been resolved
    - An issue with Runebook cast charge not being interruptible has been resolved
    - Runebook cast charge spell text has been optimized to appear the same as if you are casting Recall
    - An issue with being able to duplicate runes in a Runebook has been resolved
    - An issue with being able to use a Runebook outside your inventory from the hotbar has been resolved

20th Jan 2020 archive patchnote

  • An issue with alerts not being received prior to an auto-restart occurring has been resolved